Margrave’s Letter to Justin Welby
from English Churchman:
Dear Justin Welby,
At July’s Synod you answered a question I put to you, by telling me the most important role of members of General Synod is accountability of Bishops and our institutions.
In removing the opportunity to affirm or vote against resolution 1.10, you have damaged the Church, failed to Witness Christ and turned your back on God’s word.
You and all those Bishops who can’t even affirm the Biblical definition of marriage should be ashamed.
You should be admonishing and rebuking your brother and sister Bishops, not facilitating false prophets and teachers.
Those who won’t assent to God’s word should resign from God’s Church!
You have chosen to submit to culture over Christ. You’ve chosen the World over witness.
While I was not initially in favour of a vote, once it was tabled it became an issue of standing up for God’s word.
You dishonoured God in your approach to these matters.
You’ve sent a message to the world that there is not one truth as found in the scripture, that Christian marriage is not always defined as between one man and one woman, that sex outside of marriage is permissible or that blessing sin is acceptable.
There is simply at this stage no reason to have not affirmed and assented God’s word.