Mayors who tried to ban the Nat Cons met Iranian theocrats and Turkish ultranationalists

Apr 19, 2024 by

by Georgia Gilholy, Conservative Home:

On Tuesday morning I found myself staring up at what resembled stars strewn across a black sky. No, there was no shock solar eclipse. I was looking up in despair at the snazzily decorated ceiling of a wedding banquet hall frequented by the Turkish community of Brussels.

Many have already detailed the raucous events of Tuesday in the so-called “capital of Europe”. In summary, the National Conservatism conference kicked off in this unusual venue, after multiple last-minute cancellations from a string of fancy hotels due their owners’ political cowardice. Subsequently, public officials pursued legal action to shut it down.

As someone who voted for Brexit, but was never fully convinced it would work out for the best under the Conservative Party, as this drama unfolded I found myself revisited by my adolescent zeal for sticking it to the Brussels bureaucrats.

The city’s authorities cited “ethically conservative” views on abortion and marriage as reasons to censor free speech. They also complained that these scary opinions may “disturb the peace” due to the risk of retaliation, implying that the victims of any violent retaliation would be bringing it on themselves.

(In any event, the conference merely attracted a poorly attended Antifa protest down the street, even despite its location at the heart of European liberalism.)

“For decades the Left has been attacking the pillars of Western civilisation, transforming subject opinion into reality,” Melanie Phillips told conference attendees. Indeed, their subject opinions have been translated into law many times over, often so as to blot out reality, which is why they were so desperate to shut down this festival of ideas.

The spineless attempt to censor the conference was met with public giggles by Labour frontbenchers. For all the media chatter of Labour now being the “adults in the room”, their current cohort are just as radical and sneering at the average voter, and the West itself, as were the Corbynistas. (Most on the Tory benches are just as foolish, having voted to outlaw even so much as silent prayer or offering to help desperate pregnant women within 150 metres of an abortion facility, and upholding our anarcho-tyrannical “hate speech” laws.)

As Claire Fox pointed out, are we to conclude that censorship and police raids of public events featuring political opponents is something to delight in? More worryingly, is it something Labour plans to mirror while in office?

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