Most Rev Jackson Ole Sapit Excoriates Justin Welby in Personal Conversation

Mar 9, 2023 by

by David Virtue, VOL:

Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, primate of the Anglican Church of Kenya, lashed out at the Archbishop of Canterbury and told him personally that he could not remove homosexuality from the list of sins, because the Bible called it sin.

“When I asked him [about this], he did not answer…he will not answer,” Sapit roared to a packed All Saints cathedral in Naivasha, in a video, VOL received.

When Sapit confronted Welby, the ABC replied, “I am blessing people not sin.”

Sapit retorted; “But if I bless you in the context of business, it is business. If I bless you in the context of the family it is called family. If I bless you in the context of gay marriage, I bless that marriage which the Bible calls sin.”

“In whose name are you going to bless it? If you bless it in the name of God; it is sin. Are you going to invoke the name of God? You cannot invoke what is not right before God.”

Archbishop Jackson took aim at the introduction of new gender-neutral language the Church of England was proposing. “You cannot find gender neutral language in the Bible. What will become of our doctrine of the Trinity; God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Father and Son are both male.”

“The Bible is full of personal stories…How do you retell the story of Abraham and Moses. I ask you what names are we going to give to Moses, Jeremiah, Deborah and Eve?”

“Why do you bless this in the church, and not call it sin,” he asked Welby.

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