MPs vote to approve Northern Ireland abortion regulations

Jun 18, 2020 by

from SPUC Northern Ireland:

I just wanted to write to you straight away to let you know the result of the vote today on the Northern Ireland abortion regulations.

Tragically, MPs have just voted by 253 to 136 to approve this barbaric abortion regime.

Thank you so much for writing to your MP on this. We have had a tremendous response from supporters up and down the country.

While this is a disappointing result, considerably more MPs voted against these regulations than originally voted to impose abortion on Northern Ireland last year. This is because of consistent lobbying by SPUC members like you.

SPUC will not be giving up on the unborn babies of Northern Ireland. We will continue our campaign to repeal the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act which decriminalised abortion in the Province.

Liam Gibson, SPUC’s NI Political Officer said: ““Today’s vote in the House of Commons was the final act in a gross abuse of power which has been unprecedented in recent times. By forcing the most barbaric abortion regime in Europe on Northern Ireland, Westminster has shown its complete contempt for the people of the Province, our elected representatives as well as the Constitutional settlement guaranteed by the Belfast Agreement.

“This vote, however, is not the end of the matter…We will never rest until this ruthless and illegitimate legislation is overturned. Abortion is the greatest destroyer of human life in the world today and we will never give up until this evil is brought to an end.”

Thank you again for your support.

Best wishes,

Michael Robinson
Director of SPUC Northern Ireland

See also: Numbers: the highest death toll during Corona. Performance poem by Glen Scrivener on YouTube

Read also: Northern Ireland Legalized Abortions Two Months Ago, But Most Doctors Refuse to Kill Babies, Life News

House of Lords backs extreme abortion law in Northern Ireland, Christian Concern

The Highest Death Toll – And Its Enablersby David Robertson, theweeflea

‘Bishops’ Mum on Slaughter of Innocentsby Jules Gomes, Church Militant

Abortion numbers highest ever for English and Welsh residents, latest statistics showfrom Right to Life


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