On Heresy, and Why It Matters

May 10, 2022 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

Yes heresy is real and it must be resisted:

Because there is such a thing as truth, there is such a thing as error. Because there is theological truth, there is theological error – what we call (at least in its extreme form) heresy. Because the truth matters, so too does heresy. Yet in our postmodern age where the notion of absolute truth is minimised, ignored or rejected, notions of error are also given short shrift.

And Christians have not been immune from all this, with perhaps the majority of Western believers today uninterested in the reality of heresy because they are interested in the reality of biblical truth. Heterodoxy is rife in so much of the church because orthodoxy is disregarded and seen as unimportant.

Indeed, to stick up for biblical orthodoxy is seen as being arrogant, intolerant and unloving by many Christians today. Now, are there some who are in fact arrogant and loveless as they push theological orthodoxy? Sadly yes. But the answer is not to dismiss orthodox teachings but to seek for a Christlike disposition as we do defend biblical truth.

Alister McGrath speaks to this matter of how talk of heresy is so frowned upon today:

Read here


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