“Our culture of selfism is producing more narcissism and fragility”

Mar 6, 2024 by

By Joel Forster, Evangelical Focus.

“We need a realistic, grounded sense of self that is not pre-occupied with maintaining its own importance, but serving a purpose bigger than ‘me’”, says Psychiatrist Glynn Harrison, author of ‘The Big Ego Trip’.

Some of the main influencers in the world at the moment are ‘youtubers’ and Instagram stars. Admired and followed by millions, they constantly work on growing their personal brand.

A strong “ego” seems to be the key for this kind of success: to know what your dreams are and to believe in yourself enough to achieve them.

But where does this self-centred worldview come from? And how does it contrast with what the Gospel says about personal success?

In his book The Big Ego TripPsychiatrist Glynn Harrison analyses the roots of the self-esteem movement and some of the tangible consequences it has had.

The former Professor and Head of Department of Psychiatry of the University of Bristol (UK) believes Christians often fall in the same unhelpful trends: “many churches are tempted to air-brush the call to ‘die to self’ that sits at the heart of the Gospel”.

Read here.



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