Lost in the Labyrinth

Jul 22, 2024 by

By Wyatt Flicker, Juicy Ecumenism. Solvitur ambulando, “it is solved by walking,” St. Augustine is credited with saying. In prayer, much of Mainline Protestantism seems to have taken this maxim to heart, with churches expending...

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Critical Theory: War of the Worldviews

Jul 20, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute: We are living through a clash of worldviews between God’s eternal truth and the dangerous ideology that underpins woke activism and cancel culture. Ciarán Kelly and Dr Sharon James examine the roots of...

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How Tech Tempts Us to ‘Play God’ with Birth and Death

Jul 20, 2024 by

By Brett McCracken, TGC. The beginning and ending of a life are the most sacred moments in existence. They’re mysterious miracles. God’s domain. A soul is born out of a void of nothingness and begins a story of being. And at the moment of...

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Does the West still have a culture?

Jul 15, 2024 by

by James Bradshaw, Mercator: Olivier Roy’s new book, The Crisis of Culture: Identity Politics and the Empire of Norms, was published in March. In it, the French political scientist continues to examine cultural changes in Europe and...

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Cardinal Sarah: ‘Paganization’ Threatens Future of European Christendom

Jul 10, 2024 by

By Quinn Novick, Juicy Ecumenism. A leading African Cardinal visited Washington, DC this June seeking to address how Roman Catholics can best engage on the liberalizing social trends within the Church, particularly in the United States...

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Algorithms and Egregores

Jun 28, 2024 by

By Carlos Perona Calvete, European Conservative. It makes sense, then, that the ideological manifestation of Cloudism is the systematic deconstruction of identity (the evaporation of moisture from the terrestrial; as Marx said,...

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