Pakistani Christian brothers face torture and forced Islamic conversion

Feb 2, 2024 by

From: Anglican Ink.

Two Christian brothers, Azam and Nadeem Masih from Kharota Syedan, Sialkot, Punjab, faced the horror of forced conversion to Islam under severe duress. On January 22, 2024, they were reportedly abducted by two Muslim men, Qaseem Shah and Sunny Shah, and taken to an undisclosed location in Kharota Syedan. There, they were subjected to brutal torture.

The chilling details of the incident came to light after a First Information Report (FIR) was registered at the Kotli Loharan Police Station in Sialkot. Azam Masih recounted in the FIR how Qaseem Shah forcibly took him to Sunny Shah’s residence, where both assailants brutally assaulted him with iron rods. The motive behind this ruthless act, as stated by the assailants, was to force a conversion to Islam under the threat of death. Nadeem Masih, Azam’s brother, was also brought to the same location and subjected to similar barbaric treatment.

According to Azam Masih’s statement in the FIR, the conversion was not a matter of free will but a desperate measure to save their lives,  Following their coerced conversion, the brothers were released but were threatened with death if they dared to disclose the incident to anyone.

Post the ordeal, both brothers were provided medical treatment at the civil hospital in Sialkot. The police, acknowledging the gravity and sensitivity of the matter, have ensured a thorough investigation into the incident. Both perpetrators are currently in police custody, a rare instance of legal action in such cases that are often overlooked by law enforcement agencies in Pakistan.

This incident has sparked fear and outrage within the local Christian community. The brothers, now fearing for their lives, have gone into hiding, but they continue to seek justice.

Read here.

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