Planet of the Humans – The Problem with the Green Movement

May 11, 2020 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

It was an astonishing report. One that causes you to stop, rewind and ask, “Is that really happening?” Back in September 2019, the BBC were reporting about the desperately poor quality of air in Delhi, India. Then in April this year, they reported that the skies were blue, the air was clean and even the Ganges was clear.

Possibly the most astonishing thing was listening to people who had lived in Delhi for years and had never seen the Himalayas. Now they could.

It is one of the surprising side effects of the Covid-19 crisis. As economies around the world slow down, the air has become cleaner and clearer. A report issued in the EU suggested that 15,000 lives in Europe had been saved by the reduction in air pollution. There are those within the Green movement who see this as a great opportunity and to be honest, I get their point and have some degree of sympathy. Perhaps it was always going to take some kind of cataclysmic event to waken the world up?

So as I reflected on this and particularly on Revelation 11:18 – “the time has come for destroying those who destroy the earth” – I was intrigued to see that a new Michael Moore documentary entitled Planet of the Humans has just been produced.

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