Polish Church Faces Hate Speech on Easter

Apr 6, 2021 by

by Jules Gomes, Church Militant:

Far-left feminists associated with Soros-funded pro-abort groups targeted with hate speech a Polish church in London on Easter Sunday after Metropolitan Police unlawfully disrupted the church’s Good Friday service and ordered worshippers to disperse or face arrest.

Anti-Catholic Strajk Kobiet (Women’s Strike) erected a billboard on advertising space above worshippers who were forced to stand or kneel in the church’s forecourt for social distancing reasons during the Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist.

A worshipper at Christ the King Church in Balham, south London, told Church Militant he was shocked to see the words on the display: “Catholic Church abuses Polish women” printed in Polish and English just above him as he prayed.

“The police looked at me as if I was mad when I knelt on the pavement,” he said. “They came again on Easter Sunday to check if we were obeying the COVID regulations but did nothing to remove what was clearly an illegal hate speech sign.”

Orchestrated ‘Hit Job’

Requesting anonymity, the faithful Catholic, who lives around 15 minutes away from the parish, also sent Church Militant a photograph of the billboard, claiming the “hatred and attack” on the Polish church was a direct consequence of the police raid on Good Friday.

Polish sources based in England told Church Militant that “the phone call snitching on the congregation on Good Friday, followed by the defamatory poster campaign on Easter Sunday, was a hit job orchestrated by the pro-abortion Strajk Kobiet.”

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