Prayer requests for July General Synod

Jul 5, 2024 by

Dear Synod Supporter

Welcome to this latest Synod Supporters’ e-mail, for the July 2024 General Synod

This update focuses on the General Synod group of sessions that will be taking place at York University from later today, Friday 5th July to Tuesday,  9th July, for which the agenda and papers are available at

It is quite a full agenda, with a couple of sessions devoted to Living and Love and Faith:  a Saturday afternoon presentation with questions and a debate on Monday afternoon, with a single paper (GS 2358,, with proposals understood to been the results of the House of Bishops watering down a ‘three spaces’ provision that had been agreed by a gathering Synod representatives in Leicester convened by Bishop Martyn Snow

The debate is likely to be overshadowed by the Alliance’s letter of 26 June to the Archbishops saying that  it will create a de facto new province within the Church of England, if the proposals in GS 2358 go ahead, and responses following it. The letter is at

Please pray, among other things:

  • For all General Synod members, for wisdom and boldness in speeches and that the orthodox view will be advanced on LLF – and more generally during the Synod – in ways that are persuasive to the relatively small middle ground within Synod.
  • In particular, for the impact of the Alliance, particularly following its letter of 26 June to the Archbishops about creating a de facto province within the Church of England, if the proposals in GS 2358 go ahead. That the orthodox on Synod will be Christ-like in getting the balance right between boldness and showing love and grace to all.  
  • For the Church of England Evangelical Council – both on its own and as part of the Alliance – to continue to provide clear and wise guidance as it advises churches how to continue to respond, both after Synod and in the coming weeks and months;
  • For individual churches/PCCs and clergy and lay and Christians as they continue to consider their future within the Church of England in the light of this week’s Synod votes.

Some of the other agenda items

Please pray that the answers will enable light to be shed on important matters within the Church and enable Supplementary Questions to be asked firmly but respectfully to extract further information, or possibly follow-up incomplete initial answers

  • Wisdom of Trust Working Group report – a report from a new group. Some evangelicals are highlighting the need for an increase in trustworthy behaviour – with the House of Bishops in mind – before a greater level of trust can be expected.
  • Inquiry into allegations of abuse within the Soul Survivor Network – Private Member’s Motion – currently quite a partisan motion, which may be made neutral through an amendment. 
  • Human Dignity of Disabled Children – Liverpool Diocesan Synod Motion – including an opportunity to speak and vote against abortion
  • Day of Prayer and Action for the Persecuted Church – London Diocesan Synod Motion – thought to be worth supporting.

Please pray for well-informed, gracious speeches by conservatives.

Legislative business is largely uncontroversial and technical:

  • Church Funds Investment – Revision Stage and Final Approval
  • Chancel Repair Liability – Revision Stage and Final Approval
  • Clergy Conduct Measure – Revision Stage
  • National Church Governance Measure – First consideration
  • Abuse (Redress) Measure – Revision Stage

Conservatives on Synod

  • The 1990 Group will be holding 8am prayer meetings on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, with Rob Munro, Bishop of Ebbsfleet, joining them on Monday morning. Conservative evangelicals will also be out in force at tonight (Friday) evening’s meeting of EGGS (the Evangelical Group of General Synod).
  • Christian Concern will be holding a fringe meeting on Re-evaluating ‘Valuing All God’s Children‘on Saturday lunchtime.
  • Traditional catholics will also be meeting within the General Synod Catholic group.
  • We are starting to think about the next General Synod elections in 2026, working out who is likely to start again; who are potential new candidates and filling up places on deanery synods, the electorate for lay candidates. Please get in touch if you know anyone who might be interested.

As previously, please give thanks for the large number of theologically conservative/orthodox members, including the almost 60 people who belong to the1990 Group – for protection, encouragement – and growth, as some conservatives get elected to Synod in by-elections, including two who have won by-elections since February.


Yours sincerely

Andrew Presland

House of Laity, Peterborough Diocese

Secretary, 1990 Group of General Synod,

01933 316927, 07943 307873


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