Prophets of Fragmentation

Mar 7, 2024 by

by Campbell Campbell-Jack, A Grain of Sand:

In the West we live in a culture which teaches us to scorn what was once considered normal and to value and praise that which only yesterday was thought to be abnormal or even dangerous. Those things which once bound us together, such as love of country and tradition, are despised and those things which force us apart such as multiculturalism and the transgressive are held up as ultimate values.

Diversity is a good only when there is an underlying cohesion within society. A society which places the exceptional and divergent at the core of its identity is a society in the process of fragmenting. If we fail to celebrate that which holds us together we will inevitably split apart. Which is what is increasingly happening around us today. Yeats warned us that when ‘Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.’

In the UK our government appears more interested in spending £8million a day housing illegal immigrants than helping homeless citizens, even veterans. Farmers across Europe, the people who produce the food on our tables, are treated as environmental vandals and forced out of business. In the US the woke military regards white working-class Southerners, the social group which has traditionally produced soldiers for its armies, as problematic. This process if pursued will eventually produce a society in which the scorned masses live in fragmentation and isolation, while a disconnected elite directs everything.

The Complicit Church

That this is concerning is obvious to those not blinded by progressivism. What is even more concerning is that the very force which can and which should hold things together and point to a better way has bought into the whole destructive movement. At a time when its own figures show that attendance at the Church of England has ‘nosedived’ and that at this rate it will vanish around about 2060 or 2070, the Church demonstrates its priorities, and they aren’t the gospel. Dioceses in the West Midlands have advertised for an ‘Anti-Racism Practice Officer (Deconstructing Whiteness), Regional Racial Justice’. The successful applicant will lead a team of eleven whose purpose is to make white Anglicans ashamed of their past and reconstruct their present.

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