Rebel priests threaten to split Church of England over same-sex blessings

Jun 27, 2024 by

by Fiona Parker, Telegraph:

Group say they may have to create ‘parallel province’ if go-ahead is given for trial standalone services.

A group of church leaders is threatening to split the Church of England over an upcoming vote on blessings for same-sex couples.

Bishops have proposed that gay and lesbian couples could receive blessings from Anglican priests in standalone church services for a trial period, before a formal vote is held on whether the change should be permanent.

However, more than 25 church leaders have written to the Archbishops of York and Canterbury warning that such a change could amount to “unlawfulness” and have threatened to create a “parallel province”, a separate autonomous grouping within the Church.

This effectively amounts to a split in the Church of England.

The letter, seen by The Telegraph, reads: “What is proposed is clearly indicative of a departure from the doctrine of the Church of England in an essential matter.”

Church of England priests have been able to offer blessings to gay and lesbian couples as part of church services following a vote in the General Synod in February 2023.

However, standalone services for these blessings are still not permitted, with some arguing that would amount to same-sex marriages in Anglican churches.

Majority vote needed

Such a change would usually be introduced only after two-thirds of the three houses of the General Synod agreed to it.

However, the House of Bishops has proposed that such services would be allowed “for a specific period of time” before a formal two-thirds majority vote has taken place.

The General Synod will debate the issue when it meets next week.

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