Report: Modern Culture Is Not Just Revealing Transgenders, ‘It Is Creating Them’

Feb 18, 2018 by

by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D., Breitbart:

All scientific evidence indicates that gender identity disorders result principally from cultural causes and moreover, modern society is facilitating them, according to an analysis published Friday.

Writing for the Catholic World Report, Anne Hendershott chronicles an exploding “transgender industry” illustrated by a massive surge in the number of referrals for gender-identity treatment, in some cases increasing by as much as 2800 percent in less than ten years.

Western societies such as the UK, Sweden, Australia, and the USA have seen a spectacular rise in the number of persons, especially young people, seeking treatment for gender identity issues, paralleling the attention given to gender theory in communications, medicine, and the entertainment media.

In the U.S., the percentage of adults who currently identify as transgender is double what is was in 2011, according to the best estimates.

None of this should come as a surprise, Hendershott notes. In the year 2000, bioethicist Carl Elliott published a ground-breaking article in the Atlantic Monthly titled “A New Way to be Mad,” which foretold this rapid growth in gender-identity issues by comparing them to past psychological epidemics.

“Why do certain psychopathologies arise, seemingly out of nowhere, in certain societies and during certain historical periods, and then disappear just as suddenly?” he asked.

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