RSE and Schools as Grooming Factories
by Edmund Matyjaszek:
Definition of Child Grooming from NSPCC website:
Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child’s inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse.
The current proposed RSE for primary and secondary schools will have the effect, whether intended or not, of preparing children for early sexual experimentation, and make them vulnerable to predatory adults.
As the report from Family Education Trust on the child sex abuse gangs in places such as Rotherham, Rochdale, Oxford, and then Telford show, the assumption that an underage girl will be having sex and the issue is only one of consent shows that this attitude has left countless young people vulnerable.
It was also a marked feature that the social services rarely consulted or asked parents to help them and often refused to give information to parents worried about their children. This exclusion of parents is again a feature of grooming – the predator either gains the parents confidence to enable easier access (priests or clerics who abuse often fall into this category) or deliberately draws the victim away from parents or anyone who could interfere with the emotional attachment being developed with the child. Trust is transposed from those nearest and dearest to a stranger. The erosion of parental rights in the current legislation does exactly this.
The proposed RSE programmes will have exactly the effect of a) separating children from their parents b) acclimatising children to discuss and explore sex with strangers as either teachers or external persons brought in do not share the close intimate bonds of family c) will lower inhibitions
So although it may not be intended, the effect will be to groom children. Schools will become grooming factories. Many of the materials published or promoted by such as Stonewall, Sex Education Form, Sexwise, will have this direct effect.
A sober approach to safeguarding young person in schools would be to question and examine all such materials and all claims by outside bodies with a vested interest (ie their materials published and used so profits made) and have an assumption of danger until proven otherwise.
This approach will also have the whole-hearted approval and co-operation of parents. This is even more the case with religious schools as the proposed teaching directly contradicts the main tenets in regards to family life, parenting and sexual morality of the major religions, as protests by Christians, Jews and Muslims in particular, representing in the last census over 64% of the population, have already shown.
Edmund Matyjaszek is Principal, Priory School of Our Lady of Walsingham