Sects and Violence: Transgenderism as a Gnostic Castration Cult

Jun 25, 2024 by

by Steven Tucker, The Daily Sceptic:

Walking down just about any major high street in this country throughout the Sacred Month of June is now utterly impossible without being forced to observe pious slogans and rainbow flags fluttering about everywhere like the banners of a sinister occupying force.

Then again, rather than comparing them to hammers and sickles, fasces or rainbow swastikas, perhaps all these new queer flags should in fact be likened more to the holy crescent moons of Islam or crosses of Christianity, as the whole LGBTQUITERIDICULOUS movement increasingly resembles an outright religious movement of some kind – specifically, a cult of purest brainwashing.

Knowledge Is Power

Of all the many and varied schismatic branches of the new queer religion, transgenderism in particular may be really nothing but a heretical pseudo-religious sect, repackaged anew for our shallow, secular age. The specific cult movement that critics have most often compared it to is that of Gnosticism, a heterodox offshoot of early Christianity which taught that the tangible material world around us was nothing but a false and evil illusion created by a wicked rival deity to the true God named the Demiurge.

The Demiurge was the counterfeit godlet of solid matter, within whose wicked realm all immortal, immaterial, human souls had been cruelly imprisoned throughout their time here on Earth: the specific prison being the fleshly human body, whose false physical nature was at direct odds with the true nature of the non-physical soul that inhabited it inside, as only those fully awake – or ‘woke’ – enough, could perceive.

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