Sex and intelligent design

Aug 3, 2018 by

by Joe Boot, Christian Concern.

In this essay, Wilberforce Academy director, Dr Joe Boot shows the importance of a person’s world-and-life-view to their understanding of sexuality. He examines the religious and philosophical ideas that drive the attack on God’s distinction of male and female – but notes that “no matter how subversive the utopian sexual revolutionaries become, they cannot finally overturn God’s creational norm and order” – because this is God’s world.

[…] To begin with, in addressing the matter of sexuality, considering the foundational role of a person’s world- and life- view is very important. Without taking one’s underlying assumptions about the world into account, human thinking in areas like human sexuality remains uncritical, shallow and superficial. The central role of worldview comes to light when we consider that the contrast and conflict between a Christian and humanistic or secular view is grounded in underlying presuppositions about the very nature of reality.

To clarify, speaking of a world-and-life-view is simply a helpful way to understand and describe the actual character of human thinking, knowing and acting. As we live in the world and confront various decisions, challenges and life questions both big and small, we do so nurturing (consciously or otherwise) a particular perspective on the world, irrespective of our interest (or lack of interest) in the formal questions of philosophy. Everyone has a view of life and the world – we all believe certain things that underly the philosophies and ideologies we adopt.

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