“SIX RESOLUTIONS FOR LAMBETH”: A Quick Response to Ephraim Radner

Feb 14, 2019 by

by Stephen Noll, Contending Anglican:

On 12 February, Dr. Ephraim Radner sought to “clean up the playing field” with “Six Resolutions” for Lambeth” in 2020.

As one who has written extensively on the state of the Anglican Communion – I commented recently on Andrew Goddard’s concerns for Lambeth – I wish now to give a few quick takes on Dr. Radner’s six resolutions.


Radner writes: “It behooves Lambeth 2020 at least to adopt some simple resolutions, including the following six.”

As I understand them, Goddard and Radner are proposing a radical redo of the current “design” for Lambeth. To begin with, there is no provision at present for any Resolutions at all, but rather for another “Lambeth Indaba” – “God’s Church for God’s World: Walking, Listening, and Working Together” – as in 2008. Even if there were a decision to return to the formats of earlier Conferences, these Resolutions would have to be agreed to and announced in advance by the Archbishop of Canterbury as a condition of invitation (invitations have been sent out but presumably could be withdrawn). If the Resolutions themselves were up for debate in 2020, we would simply see a futile replay of the last twenty years (see my book, especially chapters 4 and 8).

So let me grant the hypothesis that Dr. Radner’s six Resolutions were established beforehand as ground rules of the Conference. As he says: “There is a Holy Spirit.”

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