Teachers to get free speech protection from blasphemy claims
by Matt Dathan, The Times:
Push for change after teacher was forced into hiding for showing a satirical cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad.
Teachers will be given protection from claims of blasphemy by religious groups under proposals set out in a government-commissioned report.
Legal guarantees upholding teachers’ rights to freedom of expression should be introduced, according to the recommendations. Schools would also be barred from automatically suspending staff or pupils in response to blasphemy complaints.
New guidance to all schools would also make clear that unlike sex education, schools have no obligation to consult parents on content that may insult certain religious groups nor do they have a duty to consult religious or community groups.
The recommendations form part of a long-awaited independent review into political violence and disruption in the UK. The report, expected to be published next week, covers a wide-ranging area of public life that has been affected by intimidating, violent and disruptive protests and will deliver more than 40 recommendations for government and public bodies.
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