The Anglican Network in Canada: Protest, Providence, and Promise in Global Anglican Realignment

Feb 14, 2022 by

from The Anglican Planet.

Book review by Brett Cane:

[…] At first glance, the wide variety of authors and topics listed in the Contents seems bewildering and even overwhelming. However, in the Introduction, George Egerton masterfully lays out the scheme of the book enabling us to grasp its overall intent and see how each element fits together into the whole. You will be greatly impoverished if you skip the Introduction!

Egerton, an historian, makes a helpful cautioning comment about the book: “We are mindful that we are writing memoir, with all its advantages but also the frailties of fading memories and incomplete perspective…This is a transformation that will attract major historical study in the near future.” It is good to remember this caveat as there is a great deal of repetition throughout the book; this is frustrating at times, but rewarding in other ways.

The book’s fourteen chapters, each contributed by different authors (ten clergy, five lay), are divided into four sections: Foundations; Anglican Essentials; Crisis, Rescue and Realignment; Growth and Fruit. (There are also four appendices: a detailed timeline, the Solemn Declaration of 1893, and the Montreal and Jerusalem Declarations.) Egerton describes the flow of the book as follows: “…moving logically from the general theological principles foundational to ANiC, through the presenting issue of sexuality, to the larger national historical developments in Canada, focusing next on the explosive events in the Diocese of New Westminster, which led eventually to the realigning of the Anglican Communion. A final section reviews particulars of ANiC’s contemporary innovative programs and planning.” I shall review the contents by section.

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The Anglican Network in Canada: Protest, Providence, and Promise in Global Anglican Realignment; George Egerton, Kyle MacKenney, David Short, Trevor Walters, Eds. Anglican House Publishers, 2021.

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