The bullies of the gender cult are finally getting their comeuppance

May 2, 2024 by

by Jo Bartosch, spiked:

Social worker Rachel Meade has won a devastating court victory against her trans-pandering employers.

There are few things more satisfying than watching the trans-activist bullies who have taken over the UK’s workplaces finally getting their comeuppance in the courts. Thanks to the grit of so many employees prepared to take on their bosses in tribunals, this is becoming a regular form of entertainment for those of us following the slow collapse of trans ideology in our institutions.

Earlier this week, we had another treat, when Social Work England (SWE) and Westminster City Council (WCC) were ordered to pay social worker Rachel Meade £58,000 in damages. The employment tribunal determined that she had been harassed and discriminated against for her gender-critical views. Perhaps more significant than the payment is that the judge also called for both WCC and SWE to train their staff in the principles of freedom of speech. For once, it is the woke who have been told to ‘Educate yourselves!’.

[…]  Ultimately, the persecution of Rachel Meade and subsequent court case, which has cost the taxpayer hundreds of thousands of pounds, could and should have been avoided. Meade is a committed social worker who was forced to endure a financially and emotionally draining legal battle in defence of her right to express her views. Wolton, on the other hand, managed to avoid having to appear in court and has now skipped off to a job in equality and diversity in another taxpayer-funded quango. Thankfully, though, the dimwits in SWE and WCC who took the word of this gender ideologue at face value have been humiliated by the court.

No doubt the ruling in favour of Meade will be regarded by trans activists as simply ‘transphobic’. It is notable that SWE has declined to publicly apologise to her. Following the award of damages, a vindicated Meade said: ‘It remains concerning for our profession that, as an organisation, Social Work England cannot apologise or publicly acknowledge [its] mistaken stance to date.’

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