The cost and nature of discipleship – Global South Day 3

Oct 5, 2016 by

datuk-ng-moonArchbishop Mouneer Anis began the morning session on the third morning of the Global South Conference by recalling the presentation on Tuesday about the church fathers who did not compromise the truth.

He then noted that even now there are people ready to die. Last year twenty five faithful uneducated Coptic orthodox labourers were beheaded on the shores of Libya. They were asked to denounce Jesus Christ but they did not. Later I met the mother of two of the men who were beheaded. I wanted to kiss her hand to honour her. But she said: “I thank God that my two sons did not denounce Jesus. They are now with him. I would be ashamed if they had denounced him.”

Here people are ready to be beheaded to stay faithful to Jesus. They are saying “No we are not going to denounce Jesus” and a mother who was grateful to give her sons to the Lord.

The Archbishop of South East Asia, Datuk Ng Moon will be heading the Communion work on discipleship for the next nine years.

He defined a disciple is one

Who can articulate the gospel

Who can feed themselves spiritually from the word of God. So many people depend on the preacher on a Sunday but the rest of the week they do not know how to eat.

Whose life through which the light of Jesus will shine

Who will get out of their comfort zone at least once a year to do mission in a less comfortable place

Who will be a servant

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