The counterfeit ‘Gospel’ of Affirming Catholicism

Sep 4, 2021 by

by David Virtue, VOL:

It has been slowly dawning on me that Satan’s real work of destroying and deconstructing the Christian Faith in the Anglican Communion is not the obvious or bald-faced lie. Christians can easily spot it and mercifully reject it. Tens of millions of Anglicans, mostly from Africa, Asia and South America have seen through the lie of homosexuality.

But what Satan is masterful at is the half-truth, the counterfeit lie and “Did God say”?

Over the years I have watched as a number of Anglo-Catholics who could not accept the full declaration of their faith, morph into something called Affirming Catholicism.

Affirming Catholicism, sometimes referred to as AffCath, is a movement that began in 1990 at St. Alban’s Church, in London. It was created by a number of Anglo-Catholic clergy in the Diocese of London who had been marginalized within, or expelled from, existing Anglo-Catholic groups because of their support for women’s ordination to the priesthood. It developed a theological stance which was staunchly liberal in matters of inclusivity, but was traditionally Catholic in matters of liturgy and the centrality and theology of the sacraments. At the same time, the movement believed that traditional restrictions on who may receive the sacraments should be re-examined. Later they affirmed that homosexuality was good and right in the eyes of God.

Today they have gone from being a handful of clergy, to include bishops and archbishops in the worldwide Anglican Communion. Three come to mind.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams is a self-declared Affirming Catholic; the present Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell has also said he is an AffCath as is the former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Frank Griswold.

When you consider the havoc they have wrought on the Anglican Communion, one must consider if the counterfeit Christianity they are pushing is ultimately the work of Satan.

Consider the following.

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