The fightback against dangerous transgenderism has begun

Jun 3, 2023 by

by Lynda Rose, Christian Today:

As transgender activists become ever more strident, it would seem that the fightback has at last begun in earnest. Allowing biological men to take over women’s sport was always deeply problematic, and British Cycling’s new policy, announced last week, to allow only those born female to compete in women’s races is to be welcomed.

Yet it has provoked a howl of outrage, surely out of all proportion to its perfectly reasonable defence of women’s rights. After all, it goes without saying that those born biologically male will in general be taller and stronger than their female counterparts, and if, on top of that, they have undergone puberty, they will retain a performance advantage that no amount of hormone suppressant will ever totally remove.

That said, in recent years there appears to have been a definite trend for some male athletes to transition and then carry on competing in female-only events. And unsurprisingly, in many of these events they have wiped the board. Trans swimming star Lia Thomas, for example, last year controversially won the US National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), America’s top trophy in university sports.

[…]  As long overdue signs of a fightback begin to emerge, sadly, the scale of the battle appears to be increasing. The unpleasant truth would seem to be that trans activists are intent on having their own way at whatever cost, with absolutely no interest in the rights of others. Thus, the rights of both real women and children are casually dismissed – sacrificed on the altar of imposed choice, with biological sex either treated with contempt or dismissed as illusion.

At heart, this is a battle to reconfigure society, not just by destroying traditional moral values and family, but by challenging our individual creation – as fearfully and wonderfully made, male and female, in the image of God. It is about the reallocation of control by imposition of a distorted version of reality that, if allowed, will annihilate world culture, and the tactics employed to achieve this are further distortion and intimidation.

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