The ‘Hate’ Police are Now Here

Oct 3, 2018 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

Cycling home from St Peters I saw a poster that took my breath away.  Sometimes you see that something is going to happen and yet it still shocks you when it does.  These posters are currently being displayed in towns and cities all over Scotland.



There are others – but it was these that took my breath away –

You will note that these are posters from the Scottish Government and the Scottish Police.   At one level they seem fine.  Who is going to argue against the idea that we want rid of hatred?  That people should not call others names, or be violent, or mock and abuse?   But that is not what is happening here.  Note the following:

The posters themselves are somewhat ambiguous, unless you speak the code.  If you do speak the language of the Scottish Government and Police then what they are saying is that any kind of disagreement with homosexuality, the trans philosophy, or Islam  makes you guilty of hate and you have no place in ‘our’ community.

They are selective – Its only certain groups that are mentioned.  Look at what they leave out.   What about those of us who are Christians who are regularly mocked and abused in the media, in our schools and on the streets?  What about English people in Scotland?  What about the disabled?  Or many, many other groups?  Why do they only pick on these select groups?

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