The horror of the new Chinese lockdown

Apr 18, 2022 by

by Karen Harradine, TCW:

THE chattering classes have been very busy flying the Ukrainian flag in their social media bios but are suspiciously quiet about the horrifying human rights abuses taking place in China.

Three weeks ago, on March 28, the Chinese Community Party (CCP) put the city of Shanghai into lockdown on the basis of just 425 mild cold cases. None of the 26million inhabitants are allowed to leave their homes. The military patrols the streets and have sealed apartments with metal locks, turning homes into prisons and depriving residents of fresh air, food, medical supplies and human contact.

Over the past two weeks, Shanghai residents have had no access to food or medicine, and have been banned from taking care of elderly relatives living alone. The CCP has haphazardly distributed food to some homes while others have received nothing, proving that relying on elitist, big government for survival isn’t always such a good idea.

Some food is being left to rot in landfills as truckers are barred from driving through the streets of Shanghai to deliver their goods, surely a policy of forced starvation by the CCP. Food and water supplies are diminishing rapidly. 

Every night the inhabitants of Shanghai howl from their apartments, protesting against their starvation, only to be told to ‘endure’ by the authorities: presumably to the point of death. Not only are they starving but they are also forced to take discredited, unreliable Covid-19 tests. If they refuse, they are arrested and threatened with prison. Should they test positive, they are thrown into hastily constructed quarantine camps, consisting of crowded, unsanitary cells with no water, and single toilets being shared by hundreds of people. These filthy camps, and the illogical quarantine rules, show the only reason for this brutal and inhumane lockdown is the total obliteration of human rights and freedom.

The elderly have suffered from being sealed in their apartments or from being forced into squalid hospitals, where they are dying from either neglect or from catching Covid-19 in such unsanitary conditions.

Surely the cruellest part of this lockdown is that children are forcibly removed from their parents if they test positive for Covid-19. Some parents have been separated from babies as young as three months old, with healthy children being put into care homes and hospitals, where they are neglected and fall sick. This is eugenics by another name. Not even beloved cats and dogs are safe from the menaces of the CCP. Health authorities have been ordered to slaughter pets belonging to anyone testing positive for Covid-19.

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