The lies of “born this way”

Mar 20, 2024 by

by Nathanael Blake, World:

An LGBTQ presumption and the damage it has done.

The LGBTQ movement was built on a lie, and New York Times writer Jane Coaston is irate that people are noticing. She professes to be concerned by a “very strange complaint from some critics. L.G.B.T.Q. people are OK in theory, they seem to argue, but there are simply too many of them.”

Of course, the point is that the sudden exponential increase in self-proclaimed rainbow identities shows that the mantra of “born this way” is a lie. It is now obvious that LGBTQ identities are being spread by social contagion, which means they are not all innate, immutable, and essential aspects of a person’s authentic self.

Though it was not widely publicized, the search for a “gay gene” ended in failure a few years ago. Rather than crude genetic determinism, the development of our sexual desires is complex and often fluid, with environmental and social factors playing crucial roles. The reality of human sexuality is far more complicated than “born this way.”

There is no objective test to determine whether someone is transgender. It is purely a matter of self-identification justified by the bizarre metaphysical claims that a person can be “born into the wrong body” and go through the “wrong puberty.”

This last claim demonstrates what is at stake. It is not just that the cultural and legal victories of the LGBTQ movement were built upon the “born this way” falsehood, but that recognizing this lie reveals how sinister the LGBTQ movement’s current goals are. Given that we are not born this way, the flood of pro-LGBT materials in schools and culture looks less like an effort to help children accept their true selves, and more like a recruiting effort—grooming, if you will.

Furthermore, if we are not born this way, then the enormous increase in children identifying as transgender is a social contagion. Young women (and at least some girls) are having their breasts amputated, and young men (and at least some boys) are being castrated because of superstitious panic that imagines children can be born into the wrong bodies. This is obvious, yet the LGBTQ movement and its many allies from Hollywood to the Democratic Party have gone all-in on chemically and surgically mutilating children.

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