The NHS, trans children and a slap in the face for parents

Jan 13, 2019 by

by Ann Farmer, The Conservative Woman:

FOLLOWING the revelation that the NHS is allowing men who self-identify as women to be placed in female wards, a Daily Telegraph investigation has found that ‘NHS staff are being advised to ignore parents’ wishes if they conflict with those of a transgender child, even if the child is not considered mature enough to consent’.

North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust stated: ‘Adolescents might prefer to spend most of their daytime in mixed areas, but must have access to same-gender sleeping areas, treatment rooms and sanitary facilities’.

The Telegraph warned yesterday that ‘this would allow a boy to sleep alongside girls if they self-identify as transgender, effectively rendering meaningless the safeguards parents may believe are in place for children’.

It is distressing enough for parents to leave their daughter in the care of a hospital without worrying that she might be at risk of sexual assault from a youth ‘self-identifying’ as female – or that their daughter, believing herself to be male, might put herself at risk by choosing to be accommodated with teenage boys. And parents are excluded from such decisions, ironically because to tell them is seen as putting their children at risk.


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