The Only Great Reset

Dec 9, 2020 by

by C C Pecknold, First Things:

You may have heard an ominous phrase echo around the digital ether recently: “The Great Reset.”

Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, called for “a Great Reset” in 2014—“we must build entirely new foundations for our economic and social systems.” While Schwab’s proposal was couched in the dullest Davos terms of homo economicus, it was hard for critics to avoid likening Schwab to a Bond villain aiming at world domination. Yet Schwab was missing something crucial. He had a vision for transforming every industry, society, and nation. He had access to the world’s most elite decision-makers, but he lacked the perfect opportunity.

COVID-19 changed all that.

Here was a crisis that seemed tailor-made for the reset dreamed up by unelected technocrats at Davos. So this past June, Schwab seized his chance: “The pandemic,” he wrote, “represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” A global transformation is not “some impossible dream,” Schwab insisted. The “silver lining of the pandemic” is that we have learned just how quickly “we can make radical changes to our lifestyles.” What was once considered “essential,” he averred, is now viewed as superfluous. “All aspects of our societies and economies . . . from education to social contracts and working conditions,” must be transformed.

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