The Present Crisis and the Work of Satan

Aug 20, 2018 by

by Fr Dwight Longenecker:

In the wake of the McCarrick affair and the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report, like many Catholics I was feeling devastated and pretty low.

However, on reflection I am feeling a completely new spirit about all of this, and it is a soberingly good spirit.

Here’s why: Satan loves to work undercover. He is best working as a secret agent, costumed as an angel of light. He dresses up in all sorts of attractive ways. He sugar coats his deceit and delights in cover ups, hypocrisy, secrets and lies.

He is a reptile–a snake in the grass, a chameleon in camouflage, a serpent in disguise.

For so long now the homosexual mafia was undercover. They covered for each other and hid behind their clerical offices, their ranked bureaucracies and their secret soirees. They used their oily language, played the victim and blamed everyone else for being marginalized and persecuted by cruel homophobes.

But Satan can’t do that forever. He can’t stay undercover because he is a proud spirit and cannot bear to remain hidden forever. He wants to come out on the stage. He wants to be the prima diablo, the big player. He can’t resist the limelight and so he always overplays his hand.

Eventually he comes out in the open, and when he finally does we see him for what he really is. For so long we allowed ourselves to be fooled or we were genuinely deceived. For so long it was so easy to be taken in by the appearance, the subtlety and the subterfuge.

Read here

Read also: Bishop Morlino: Homosexual Subculture in Church ‘Wreaking Great Devastation’, Church Militant

and Homosexual predators, not paedophile priests are the church’s deadly cancer, by Jules Gomes, VirtueOnline:

I am most emphatically not saying that all homosexuals are predators with an appetite for young males (just as I would never claim that if only the church selected heterosexual males…there would be no problem with priests having affairs with women). Yet, there is irrefutable evidence of a specific pattern of homosexual behaviour in the so-called clerical “child abuse” that must be named if the Church is going to address and correct it.



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