The rainbow racket

May 25, 2023 by

by Malcolm Clark, spiked:

The Rainbow Honours Awards showcased everything wrong with the trans lobby.

It’s late May and we’re almost halfway through the LGBT awards season. This now lasts all year, pausing only to let LGBT+ History Month, Transgender Awareness Week, International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) and Trans Day of Remembrance squeeze themselves into the spotlight.

Last week, we had the Rainbow Honours Awards 2023. This brought together the great and the good – and Vanessa Feltz – to celebrate LGBT something or other. If it felt spookily similar to the Burberry British Diversity Awards in March, that may be because that too gave out numerous gongs to trans activists who believe lesbians can have penises. Also, both awards shows were organised by Linda Riley, publisher of Diva magazine and a former director of the Jack the Ripper Museum in east London, which has been accused of ‘glorifying’ the infamous killers’ murders.

These LGBT events, now thoroughly awash with trans activism, are carnivals of victimhood. They all feature heart-breaking sob stories about LGBT suicide rates, bullying, self-loathing, violence, bigotry and oppression. In the real world, there has never been a better time to be gay, trans or even nonbinary (whatever that means). But these awards shows are designed to weaponise victimhood for political ends. In this case, for the cause of ‘trans rights’.

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