The real mystery about gender ideology: why do so many women support it?

Jun 30, 2024 by

by Michael Deacon, Telegraph:

A female MP applauding a man for telling the women’s minister to ‘shut up’: welcome to Left-wing feminism in 2024.

While collecting the “Celebrity Ally” prize at the LGBT Awards last week, David Tennant pompously told Kemi Badenoch, the minister for women, to “shut up” about the dangers of gender ideology. That was bad enough. But it was downright bizarre when Labour’s Dawn Butler proudly declared that she agreed with Mr Tennant.

A woman praising a man for telling a woman to shut up after she spoke up for women. Welcome to Left-wing feminism in 2024.

Still, her attitude is by no means unusual. Last month in Scotland, a pollster asked members of the public whether they agreed with JK Rowling’s criticisms of gender ideology. The results showed that men (50 per cent) were a lot more likely than women (33 per cent) to say they did. This suggests that gender ideology enjoys stronger support from women than from men.

I find this fascinating. Because, in effect, these women are campaigning to have their own rights removed from them.

Gender ideology, as Ms Rowling and Mrs Badenoch have tried to point out, demands that women lose their rights to female-only sports, public lavatories, changing rooms, hospital wards, prisons, rape shelters… And yet a remarkably large number of women – in particular young, Left-wing women – cheer it on. Many describe themselves as “trans-inclusive feminists”. Which, given the above demands, is a bit like describing yourself as a meat-eating vegetarian.

Are they really still unable to see it? Or do they just have stupendously low self-esteem? Either way, it’s odd to see them fervently marching against their own interests. They’re like inverse Suffragettes. Throwing themselves in front of the King’s horse, while screaming: “Take away our rights!”

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Must watch:  Helen Joyce explains why parents like David Tennant can never give up their ideology.


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