The relative safety of a ‘Society’

Jul 2, 2024 by

from Anglican Futures:

When General Synod meets later this week they will be debating a motion which includes a clause to:

“establish the basis for the provision of Pastoral Reassurance through a House of Bishops’ Statement and Code of Practice which provides for the delegation of some specific and defined episcopal ministry, and which is overseen by an Independent Review Panel;”

The accompanying paper (GS 2358) refers to the possibility of accompanying, “informal societies” (para 26) and “more formal society arrangements” as part of the ‘Pastoral Reassurance”.

If, as this blog discussed when the papers were published, the House of Bishops are not prepared to give up a modicum of their monarchical power, then it appears that the formation of such a society (formal or informal) with some type of delegated episcopal ministry, is likely to be all that is lawfully on offer to orthodox folk in the Church of England.

It is, therefore, worth considering some of the different ‘society’ models that are currently operating within the Anglican Communion.

The Society under the patronage of St Wilfred and St Hilda – England

The Society sets itself apart from other ‘catholic societies’ in the Church of England by describing itself as ‘an ecclesial body’. It is administered by Forward in Faith and is led by a Council of Bishops. It has three aims:

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