The religious thought police are here

Jun 15, 2019 by

by David Robertson, Christian Today:

The Saudi religious police, like their Iranian equivalents, have a duty of Hisbah, enjoining good and preventing wrong. To many Western eyes it seems, and is, an authoritarian attempt to enforce doctrine and practice. It could never happen here – or could it?

Last week I was sent a headline from the Yorkshire Post about a vicar who had got in trouble because of something he had written in his parish newsletter. These stories are common and I was going to pass it by, with a shrug of the shoulders, as being yet another example of a clergyman speaking injudiciously – until someone sent me the story – from The Daily Mail.

It also appeared in The Telegraph and other media.

I realised that the Rev Peter Hughes was being investigated because he had the nerve to quote yours truly from an editorial and blog I had written a few weeks ago.

Whilst I was encouraged that the Good Vicar was inspired to act by reading my article – I was shocked to read the reporting around what was a fairly innocuous parish letter. It was described as a ‘rant by a furious vicar’. Why? He was just challenging the current fashion to indoctrinate children with the basic tenents of Queer theory. Not least the belief that gender is not connected with biology and can be changed.

It’s fascinating that Peter Tatchell can tweet in response to the Vatican’s excellent and clear document on the subject: “Vatican sparks anger among LGBT+ Catholics by rejecting right to choose or change gender.” Apparently in our brave new world, there is a right for children to choose and change their gender, but not to choose and change their sexuality. Indeed if anyone dared suggest that someone could change their sexuality, they would be in danger of being arrested for hate speech!

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