The Return of Fascism to the West

Sep 7, 2020 by

By David Robertson, The Wee Flea:

[…] So why am I concerned about the rise of fascism today? There are Far Right groups who cause concern, but their numbers are tiny and the potential of them taking power is miniscule – unless people are driven to support them by the antics of the Far Left. I note that the mainstream media rarely call the extremists on the Left the ‘Far Left’. It is still much more acceptable in today’s society to call yourself a Communist than a Nazi. This despite the fact that Communism has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million people!

But what bothers me more than the old style Communists or Far Right groups, is the self-styled Progressive elites, who have the same degree of contempt for Western democracy, the same self-delusion that they are going to lead the people into the promised utopia; and the same faith in their own abilities and ideology. Once you remove Christianity from Western liberal democracies, what you are left with will be neither liberal nor democratic.

I have many examples of how this is developing but let me share two with you from my current country of residence, Australia.

A young pregnant woman, Zoe Buhler, from Ballarat in Victoria, who lost her job because of the lockdown, posted on Facebook that she would organise a protest Freedom Day rally. What happened next, as the police arrested and handcuffed her in front of her children was filmed and has gone viral throughout the world. You can read the story here. It is chilling and bears many of the characteristics of an all-powerful authoritarian State – namely, an overreaching government, backed up by a harsh police and an angry mob.

Or take Senator Claire Chandler in Tasmania, who had the temerity to write that

“women’s sport was designed for the female sex and should remain that way”. The Australian Equality Commissioner found this statement could be “offensive, insulting, ridiculing or humiliating” and has summoned Senator Chandler to a meeting to explain herself. She has bravely stood up to this, but one wonders how many others, without such a platform, have caved into such pressure? Again, this is a State official seeking to censor speech and even thought, on the basis of an ideology. I’m sure readers can multiply these examples as the West seems to be descending into this mad abyss.

What can be done?

How can fascism be prevented? Every couple of years I watch Schindler’s List to remind me of why I became a Christian and why I am in the ministry. Auschwitz tells me the depth of man’s problem. Calvary tells me the depth of God’s solution.

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