The tattooed generation

May 26, 2023 by

By Paul Chigwidden, Mercatornet.

Tattoos trivialise permanent things and permanentise trivial things.

According to recent studies, Western millennials and, in particular, Western millennial parents, are the most tattooed group in society. In fact, there is widespread agreement that it was millennials who made tattooing mainstream. Although estimates vary, at least half of all millennials may have a tattoo.

Perhaps it was the perfect storm – a generation in which everyone got a prize needed newer ways to stand out and then social media came along to ensure that everyone stood out in pretty much the same way.

The tattoo is a perfect allegory for our generation.

They reflect our relationship with reality. Tattoos trivialise permanent things and permanentise trivial things. Tattoos are an important way for younger people to express themselves. They’re intensely personal. They’re totally me. They summarise my likes, my values, my cultural outlook and they’re forever. Even a cursory examination of millennial culture reveals that this paradox is our consistent way of interacting with reality.

Read here.

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