The World Health Organization has a message for parents: ‘sexuality education starts at birth’

May 15, 2023 by

by Malcolm Roberts, MerctorNet:

The United Nations is the last organisation which should be giving advice this sensitive topic.

The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a “framework for policy makers, educational and health authorities and specialists” titled, “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe”.

Its purpose is to standardise (in other words override) the diverse teaching practices of each sovereign nation within Europe and the wider international community with regards to sexual education.

Having all-but-forced European nations to comply, the United Nations is seeking to expand a similar framework to all UN member states – including Australia. This framework is called International Guidance on Sexuality Education, produced as part of UN Education 2030 and counter-signed by UNICEF. The WHO are now actively promoting the framework. In mid-April of 2023, the Commission on Population and Development failed to reach a consensus on advancing the strategy, providing a reprieve … for now.

“Nobody is happy with this result,” said a spokesperson representing Senegal. They went on to point out that people come from different “horizons and realities” and that the commission must “respect all cultures”. The problem with Communist-style policy is that it demands a uniform approach with identical ideological outcomes irrespective of culture.

And what sort of “vision” does the WHO have in mind for the world’s children?

Their preferred framework demands that sex education begin at birth and be guided by the State via the relentless work of educators instead of the current model of parent-led development with catch-up assistance from schools.

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