Tories divided over new definition of extremism

Mar 5, 2024 by

by Matt Datham, The Times:

Trans rights critics and traditional Christians could be caught up in crackdown on Islamism.

Government plan for a new definition of extremism has sparked concerns in cabinet that it could inadvertently penalise groups opposed to gay marriage, abortion or new transgender rights.

In an effort to tackle growing Islamic and far-right extremism in the UK, ministers are attempting to update the definition to encompass any group or individual that promotes an ideology that “undermines the rights or freedoms of others”.

However, some cabinet ministers fear that would ban groups such as gender critical feminists challenging transgender women’s access to same-sex facilities, or conservative Christian groups that oppose gay marriage or abortion, for example.

Michael Gove, the communities secretary, is expected to announce the updated definition next week as part of plans to crack down on Islamic and far-right extremism.

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