Trudeau’s Empty Graves

Sep 9, 2023 by

by Kennedy Hall, Crisis Magazine:

If anyone has been paying attention to how Marxists and liberals work, they would not be surprised to find the Canadian “mass graves” controversy was a complete hoax.

Well, it turns out that Catholic missionaries in Canada weren’t running genocidal concentration camps for decades and hiding hundreds of dead children from the public. I know, what a shocker!

If you are unaware, in 2021 a narrative was released in Canada that Catholic boarding schools—officially called Residential Schools—had buried hundreds of children in unmarked “mass graves” over decades. The impetus for this complete hoax was the alleged discovery of human skeletons under the ground on Native Land where the schools used to operate. Of course, what were allegedly skeletons were simply aberrations in the soil, which included things like rocks, tree roots, and other non-human things.

The narrative exploded overnight, and as a result, many Catholic churches were razed and others vandalized. It was remarkable to live through, as it was in the summer of 2021 when vaccine hatred really started to ramp up. It was a very difficult time to be a Catholic Canadian, and a vaccine heretic at that.

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