UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson promises to ban therapy for unwanted gay attractions

Jul 23, 2020 by

by Paul Smeaton, LifeSite:

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said that the government will move to ban “gay conversion therapy,” while failing to define how this might impact those seeking help with unwanted same-sex attraction.

In an interview with Sky News earlier this week, Johnson said: “on the gay conversion therapy thing, I think that’s absolutely abhorrent and has no place in a civilized society, has no place in in this country – what we’re going to do is a study right now on, you know, where is this actually happening? How prevalent is it? And we will then bring forward plans to ban it.”

Last month, a United Nations “Report on Conversion Therapy” encouraged governments to outlaw doctors from offering and patients from seeking assistance in overcoming unwanted feelings of homosexual attraction or confusion about their gender identity.

U.K. lobby group Christian Concern has pointed out in response to Johnson’s comments this week that “nowhere has the government or the UN offered any real definition of ‘conversion therapy’, and any ban would likely involve sacrificing the freedom of Christian counsellors and ministries to offer talking therapies, counselling and even prayer to those who want to turn away from LGBT attractions and practices.”

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