US university unveils statue of paedophile collaborator Alfred Kinsey

Sep 24, 2022 by

from The Christian Institute:

Indiana University has erected a statue of Alfred Kinsey, the self-described ‘sexologist’ who, after his death, was revealed to have falsified research and legitimised child abuse.

Kinsey was a researcher at the University in the 1940s, setting up its Institute for Sex Research in 1947 in order to conduct his expansive research into human sexuality. His books, Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female (1953) were bestsellers, and now known collectively as the Kinsey Reports.

He campaigned for the repeal of any legislation which restricted sexual freedom, believing that people would only be ‘free and fulfilled’ once the restraints of Judaeo-Christian morality are removed.

Flawed methodology

Kinsey claimed his research proved that there is ‘no normal’ with regard to sexual behaviour, but he did regard abstinence and celibacy as ‘abnormal’.

He encouraged his researchers, all men, to have sex with one another. He also had sexual relations with his assistants and his research subjects, keeping secret recordings of these encounters. He also claimed that between ten and 37 per cent of adults had committed homosexual acts and that 94 per cent had committed adultery.

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