Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican

Nov 4, 2020 by

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite:

The enemy has succeeded in penetrating the interior of both the State and the Church, in order to rise to the very top, building a network of complicity and connivance that binds all of its members by means of blackmail, having chosen them precisely because of their corruptibility.

In my recent essay for the Catholic Identity Conference in Pittsburgh, I spoke of the eclipse that is obscuring the Church of Christ, superimposing over it an anti-church of heretics, corrupt men, and fornicators. Catholics know that the Church must retrace the footsteps of her Head, Jesus Christ, along the way of His Passion and Cross, and that the end times will be marked by a great apostasy that will strike the ecclesial Body even up to its highest levels. Thus, just as on Golgotha the Sanhedrin thought that it had defeated Our Lord by having him condemned to death by Pontius Pilate, today the Vatican Sanhedrin believes that it can overthrow the Church by delivering it into the hands of the globalist anti-Christian tyranny.

We must therefore evaluate what is happening today with a supernatural gaze, in light of the battle that the world’s élite are conducting against Christian civilization. The attack that was initially launched from the outside against the Catholic monolith has evolved, from the Second Vatican Council onwards, into an action of widespread infiltration by means of the deep state in civil society and the deep church in the religious sphere. The enemy has succeeded in penetrating the interior of both the State and the Church, in order to rise to the very top, building a network of complicity and connivance that binds all of its members by means of blackmail, having chosen them precisely because of their corruptibility. It is not by chance that honest officials are systematically hindered, marginalized, and made the object of attacks.

In the past few weeks, the press has reported the news of the umpteenth Vatican financial scandal, following which Jorge Mario Bergoglio removed Giovanni Angelo Becciu from his official posts and deprived him of the prerogatives of cardinals. Those who think that this removal will serve to counter the corruption of the Roman Curia will be disturbed to learn that the person who replaced him in his position as Substitute, Edgar Peña Parra, who ought to work to heal the disastrous mismanagement and intrigues of Becciu and others, is in fact even more blackmailable than his predecessor. This blackmailability is the indispensable requirement to be able to be manipulated by the one who, while presenting himself as a reformer of the Curia and the punisher of a vaguely defined clericalism, is in fact surrounded by corrupt and immoral people, promoting them and covering up investigations that concern them.

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