Welby made a terrible error of judgement endorsing EU Utopianism

Jun 7, 2018 by

by Gavin Ashenden, Telegraph:

There is a convention that clergy don’t speak out on political matters where their ‘flock’ or constituency reflect both sides of the argument. It’s a sensible one and has saved many an Archbishop from unnecessary humiliation and risking national disrespect.

Although those who lean to the Left find the temptation too hard to overcome sometimes,

ignoring this convention suggests one of three things; that you think you have a hot-line to God, (not impossible but unlikely); that you believe your own personal political judgement is beyond criticism; or that you seriously disrespect your political opponents and their views.

It’s not yet clear which of these applies to the present Archbishop of Canterbury in the light of his recent speech heralding the invention of the European Union as “the greatest dream realised for human beings since the fall of the Roman Empire.”

One obvious difficulty with making such a statement is that he instantly loses support, sympathy and respect from about half his own Christian community, and half of the secular community as well.

Read here

Read also: Welby’s worship of European Union is nonsensical by Leon McKinstry, Daily Expres

Glory, glory, hallelujah! Welby’s Euromania is marching on by Jules Gomes, Rebel Priest

Why can’t Justin Welby distinguish the Council of Europe from the European Union? by Archbishop Cranmer

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