When ‘God’ becomes gender neutral: lessons from Russia

Nov 8, 2021 by

by Lynda Rose, Christian Today:

In order to promote equality, Castleview Primary School in Edinburgh last week asked boys to wear a skirt to school for the day. The school had apparently been inspired by a story from Spain, where teachers and pupils wore skirts for the day to demonstrate solidarity with a boy who had been expelled for wearing a skirt to his school last year. And apparently, in Spain, 4th November is now officially ‘wear a skirt to school day’.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the response from Castleview parents has not been uniformly enthusiastic, if you will pardon the pun, with one disgruntled parent tweeting, “If a boy wants to wear a skirt to school, he should be allowed, but why put pressure on people to ask their son to wear a skirt or be seen as some sort of bigot?”

Fair point, though the school appears unimpressed, with teachers responding that clothes “don’t have a gender” and that everyone should be free to express themselves as they choose.

Now, whether or not clothes are associated with ‘gender’ is questionable. How many boys, for instance, wear a bra? But even so, requiring boys to cross-dress could perhaps be seen as infringing their right to freedom of choice, combined with an ideologically motivated attempt to bring about political change in the wider community. All of which begs the question, why have schools become complicit in normalising and promoting the notion that sex is purely a social construct, so that we – and specifically here, children – can choose our gender at will?

However regarded, at the end of the day this is no more than an ideological attempt to coerce children – and their parents – into acceptance of a woke agenda aimed at destroying what is disparagingly branded ‘heteronormativity’.

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