Will ‘conversion therapy’ ban be sneaked into Scottish Hate Crime Bill?

Feb 6, 2021 by

by Carys Moseley, Christian Concern:

LGBT activists and their political allies are trying to criminalise ‘conversion therapy’ through the back door in Scotland. They are behind an amendment by the Green Party to the Scottish Hate Crime Bill which would remove the freedom to criticise homosexual behaviour or to ask someone to refrain from or modify homosexual behaviour. This would have a profound and widespread impact on churches, counsellors, parents, teachers and others across Scotland.

The Christian Legal Centre expressed its profound concern about the bill’s impact on free speech to the Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament at the initial stage back in May 2020. By contrast, Stonewall Scotland openly says in its briefing, which it has shared on Twitter, that it supports Amendment 117 precisely because the law as it stands permits ‘conversion therapy’. Stonewall Scotland’s bill briefing says that keeping the law as it is could impede work to ban ‘conversion therapy’ in Scotland. In reality, we shall see how LGBT activists are stretching the definition of hate crime to include all criticism of homosexual behaviour.

What the Bill currently says:

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