Woke bankers are the 21st century Pharisees

Jul 31, 2023 by

by Peter Simpson, TCW;

THE debanking scandal is of particular interest to Christians in the front line of the culture wars, endeavouring to throw some Biblical light upon a society wholly given over to the anti-Christian religion of the cultural Marxist establishment.

As far as Christians are concerned, the banks’ trying to act as moral arbiters is not a wholly new phenomenon. As long ago as 2005 the campaigning group Christian Voice had its account closed by the Co-operative Bank over the issue of that organisation upholding the Bible’s teaching on sexual orientation.

Sadly in 2023, as we now all know, the attitude of the banks toward those embracing socially conservative opinions has become an urgent problem, impinging upon the whole issue of whether or not we live in a democratic society where free thinking is tolerated.

Consider, for example, the recent case of the Rev Richard Fothergill, who had his account closed at the Yorkshire Building Society (YBS), because he expressed the opinion that it was not appropriate for YBS to promote transgender ideology as part of its public face. The vicar did so in answer to a survey which had invited his opinions!

Metro Bank has also jumped on to the anti-Christian bandwagon, having signed up to Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme. The bank recently refused to open an account for the organisation Our Duty, whose focus includes protecting children from irreversible gender transition. Does Metro Bank not want any Christian customers?

The Core Issues Trust (CIT) is a Christian charity working to help those who wish to leave a homosexual lifestyle. In 2020 Barclays Bank closed CIT’s accounts following a determined social media campaign by LGBT activists. Thankfully, this decision was challenged in the courts and Barclays last month had to pay CIT over £20,000 in damages, which is a step in the right direction.

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