Bible Belief Is Not Bigotry

Nov 6, 2017 by

by Mark H Creech, Christian Post:

[…]  Although the word, “discrimination,” is typically seen as a bad thing, our laws discriminate against behaviors that are considered detrimental. Could you imagine calling someone who discriminates against the incestuous or the Harvey Weinstein’s of the world as bigots? These may involve consensual conduct but they would still be wrong — very wrong.

Bigotry is really about prejudging people without a substantive reason and opposition by conservative evangelicals to same-sex relationships or polyamory are rooted in their love of what’s healthy and beneficial.

Considering the serious negative spiritual and physical consequences of sex outside of the marriage of a man and a woman, is it really rational, kind, or just to affirm this behavior? God forbid. This would not only be an injustice to society but hurt those engaged in it.

More than 60 percent of North Carolinians voted in 2012 to elevate state law defining marriage as one man and one woman into the state’s constitution. These people didn’t vote for a constitutional marriage amendment out of bigotry, but because thousands of years of evidence clearly show heterosexual relationships of one man and one woman committed to marriage for life is superior in providing society with the most benefits. Other types of relationships have significant personal and societal drawbacks, especially for children.

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