How Modern Feminism Actually Empowers Men to Fulfill Their Wildest Sinful Desires

Apr 3, 2018 by

The President of New Saint Andrews College, Benjamin R. Merkle, recently issued a brutal rebuke of feminism, which he argues can be incredibly detrimental to both men and women of faith. In the short clip posted by Apologia Studios, Merkle highlights just a few of the crucial issues with feminist thinking.

“Feminism in its excess fulfills all the wildest dreams of the sinful side of men,” he argued. “I get sex with no commitment. I get no consequences for all of my lusts. She carries all those for me now — she gets the abortions. I don’t have to take any responsibility.”

Merkle, who holds a Ph.D. from Oxford University, also pointed out another issue related to men adopting feminist views as a way to sidestep their responsibility as providers and protectors.

“I have no financial commitment,” he said, “because I have got her to think that for me to pay her bill is to demean her.”

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