How To Destroy a Culture and Our Children

Aug 18, 2016 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, Culture Watch:

If a race of hostile aliens from another planet wanted to know how to destroy the West from within, they could scarcely improve upon what we are already doing to ourselves. By dumbing down an entire generation, teaching them to emote and feel their way through life, instead of thinking and critically reflecting, you create the perfect storm for national suicide.

And that is just what we have been busily doing. Now most people are unable to assess and reflect on the issues of the day. They instead simply run on feelings. And of course emotions are so very easily manipulated. You can get away with just about anything if you feed the feelings while starving the intellect.

I was reminded of this yesterday as I was on another airplane flight. I looked up to see the propaganda piece, Modern Family being aired for all to see, whether they liked to or not. It is far more than a mere American television comedy of course: it is an exercise in social engineering – one of hundreds found throughout popular culture.

The show features a homosexual couple and “their” young child. Of course it is not their child: children cannot come into the world through two men. But the thrust of the show – like so many others – is to convince the gullible masses that family can mean whatever we want it to, and no family structure is any better than any other.

This in spite of a half century of social science research to the contrary. The data on all this is voluminous, yet in a culture dominated by feelings, things like facts and evidence mean very little. Thus the mountain of research is ignored as we prefer to emote about this issue.

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