Mom: Bakers refused to make my 9-year-old a pro-Trump birthday cake

Aug 11, 2017 by

by Claire Chretien, LifeSite:

No bakery would make a pro-Trump cake for a nine-year-old’s birthday party and so his mother was forced to create it herself.

A nine-year-old who goes by “Pickle” recently made headlines when a White House spokeswoman showed media his admiring letter to President Trump. Liberal media went into a frenzy, asking if “Pickle” was even real.

He is, and The Washington Post tracked him down and interviewed his mother, SueAnn Harbin.

“When Pickle asked for ‘a Donald Trump suit’ for his birthday, she bought him one, and when he asked for ‘a Donald Trump cake,’ she made him one herself, because she couldn’t find a bakery willing and able to do it,” the Post reported.

Interestingly, it doesn’t seem that Harbin demanded the public and the government grab their pitchforks and go after the bakeries who refused to bake the cake.

Nor did the ACLU or any other activist group appear to stand up for Harbin’s “right” to force bakers to create a cake celebrating someone or something they fundamentally oppose.

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